Book of faces

Where oh where do I start with this one?  So many different avenues to explore.  Which by the way, would take a lifetime if we get truly honest here.  It seems that 99% of this world (well, those who have internet access) has a profile on that website.  To those who don't...BRAVO!!!  Stay away.  Stay far, far away.  For your own peace of mind and sanity.  I am ashamed to say that I have been on it for almost 10 years.  I've attempted to delete my profile only to be lured back in.  Lured as in the addiction took over and I had to have it back.   Just a bit of a left turn...statistics for time spent on that website, for the average person is 40 minutes a day.  Let that sink in a moment.  That's just the average person.

Anyway, I digress.  That website has changed people.  Some for the better but many for the worse.  Politics have ended friendships because someone posted their views on the elections, the way the president is running the country (any president mind you.  Not just the current administration), marriages have been destroyed through that website but on the opposite end of the spectrum, good relationships have begun there.

Posting has become a "I'm keeping my mouth shut because I don't want to offend anyone or have someone judge me".  It has gotten to the point where we all present the best part of our lives or even embellish our life to make folks think it's utterly perfect.  No life is perfect.  Sometimes, just sometimes, I want to see those "perfect" lives show that they are human.  That they falter and fail. 

Our lives have become photoshopped and filtered.  Not just the photos but our LIVES.  Of course no one wants to hear constant and continual negativity.  That isn't how life is meant to be lived.  But, to know that those who always post their perfect lives, their perfect family, their perfect job actually have bad days is okay and helps those who feel they cannot and will not ever see "perfection".   We want everyone to see that nothing is wrong.  Nothing is bad.  Life is rainbows and unicorns.  Come on it isn't.

That brings me around to, if you post something that isn't rainbows and unicorns, you are scrolled past, you are talked about, you are avoided.  Why?  It is during those times when that person desperately needs encouragement, lifted up or just listened to.   When did we lose our humanity and compassion for others?  When did our friends have to be perfect and live the perfect "Leave it to Beaver" life?    Our friends have good and even great days.  But on the flip side, our friends are human and will fall.  They will falter.  They will go through a broken relationship.  Broken friendships.  Divorce.  Death of a loved one.  They will have broken wings.  They need us, those they hold dearest to their heart and lives, to pick them up.  Give them the strength to continue.  Not be ridiculed.

The book of faces was meant to be a social page.  For the most part it is but it has also become our worst place to be for judgement.  Unfortunately, people have lost their lives from suicide due to the judgement and ridicule they received from that website. From their "friends" and even family.  Isn't that page supposed to be a safe haven?  A place where you can be who you are and not just some Hollywood fairy tale on a movie screen?

The book of faces seems to have become a place where a persons truth is no longer accepted but filtering and photoshopping is now the norm. 
