Are you truly 100% perfect?

Body shaming. One of the worst epidemics in this world. It is the sister of bullying and it needs to stop. Not one person on this planet is perfect. Fat or thin, no one has the perfect body. No one has perfect hair. No one has a perfect face. What does all of that have in common? Two words...NO ONE!!! If you are body shaming someone whether they are a stranger or someone very close to you....stop it!!! Take a look in the mirror and examine yourself. Are you 100% perfect? Do you have the perfection that society deems acceptable? No? Then your mouth needs to remain shut. Your fingers need to stop typing the hate. If you do have the perfection society deems acceptable...still keep your mouth shut and opinions to yourself. I have been body shamed by someone I thought loved me. No matter my size, fat or thin (I have been a 16 and a 4) they had something hateful to say. Was that my issue? No but I sure as hell owned it and many years later, I still own it. People...please just stop. Body size does not define the person. It's what they are inside and how they treat others that should matter.

See this woman? Is she overweight? Most likely.  However, she isn't "fat". See that little droop by her tummy? Yeah. I have the same thing. It's called having children and multiple abdominal surgeries. Guess what will fix it? Surgery. No amount of exercise will tone up muscles that have been cut apart many times. Straight from a PT I used to work for. See her rolls? Every woman, no matter her size, has them. Even women who are anorexic. Unperky boobs? Happens when you nurse and...oh I don't know....AGE!!! My girls are pointing more south than they used to but my bra does wonders to lift them back up. Her booty? Wish I had that!!! Seriously. I have no backside and would give anything to have just 1/2 of what she has.
So you see...we all want to be or have something different than what we have. We need to accept ourselves and each other for who we are, not what our bodies are. Believe me, I'm my worst critic and need to practice what I preach. Accept each other no matter the size. The person behind the "fat" and the person behind the "anorexic thin" could be the most beautiful soul you will ever meet.
