In an age of Christianity & Love

Okay....this is a bit of a long one so if you don't feel the need to waste your time, just click that little "X" in the corner.
I grew up in a Christian home. Went to church every Sunday and sometimes Wednesday. At the age of 18 I grew disenchanted with the church. It was hypocritical, I was told that where I sat in church isn't close to God (sat in the balcony instead of with the youth group next to the altar). I was belittled because of what I wore. I was told how to pray, how to worship, how to LOVE God. My childhood was fully invested in this kind of "Christianity".
Today, over 30 years later, the church hasn't changed much aside from what people wear. I guess anything goes these days. People still tell you how to pray, worship and LOVE God. I want to get one thing straight. A relationship with God and His son, Jesus Christ, is between a person and God. Not the church, not the pastor, not the deacon, not the Sunday School teacher. My relationship with Him is mine and mine alone. I do not now, nor will I ever, need someone telling me how to have a relationship with Him. It is private, it is personal and it is between us.
Before I hear the words "you must fellowship with others of the church"...back up and sit down. I do not need to attend church for that. No one does. And I quote "Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Two or three. That does not mean a congregation of 100, 500, 1000 or 10,000. Why would I attend a massive church only to get lost in the crowd when I can sit with 1 or 2 friends and have a more personal moment?
Everyone is different in their walk. Some believe that they need to attend a physical building that has been blessed as a church. Some believe they can be alone with their thoughts and worship. It just doesn't matter folks. God just wants you. Period. Humans have befuddled and mussed everything He wants. He just wants you. Not all of the pomp & circumstance, fire & brimstone, slam your hand on the pulpit moments. Humble yourself and He welcomes you with open arms. You don't need an audience for it.
Am I going to call myself a Christian? Nope. That word is thrown around like the word "Love". It no longer bears meaning. It has been muddled up, dirtied and become something to mock. I am a Child of God. Period. I mess up as any child does. I make mistakes. I falter and I fall. I learn every day. Not through the Bible because that is another book that man has muddled up but I won't get into that. I let Him guide me. Pick me up and direct me again. I swear, He has more patience with me than I should be allowed yet I'm still alive when honestly, I should have died many times over.
Do you have differing views? Of course you do. I don't expect you or anyone to agree with what works for me. What I do expect is to be respected for my views/beliefs and not be preached at, telling me that I'm wrong. I am not wrong and you know what....God doesn't believe I'm wrong either & I will choose His opinions over any human.
